Sunday 24 May 2015

Of No Help

My daughter is nine and is being bullied at school. It renders me helpless as she's beautiful and vivacious and oh so sweet why can't everyone else see the miracle that she is. Because she's depressed she neglects her hygiene which in turn gives them one more thing to pick on. I would have passed on down her depressive anxious nature and myself am prone to bouts of depression and she's so dismissive of me I feel I can't do anything anyways and I'm of no help.
That's what batters around in my head the most.
I am of no help.
I'm of no help. I failed her and me and motherhood. 

Thursday 30 April 2015


Feeling more and more as tho the tiny Kawaii girl that's pent up inside me is looking to be unleashed. I've suddenly the over powering need for circle lenses and a pastel cosplay wig never mind the fashion and don't even get me started on accessories, stationary, stickers or this will be the worlds LONGEST blog~I'll sum it up~LOVE! I've collected Sanrio, Hello Kitty is my home girl, since I was at the tender age of two, I received stickers on an airplane ride and from there on in I was hooked! I'd be hard pressed to say something I don't have with Hello Kitty on it. I've vintage toe nail clippers, mini travel shampoo/conditioner bottles, LE Mac makeup, my goodness it's probably gone past the same stage but so be it. Only as I owned nearly everything Hello Kitty (oh how I wish) did i branch out and have bought other characters. I've always had a fondness for Pippo the pig and Bad Badzt, My know it'd cover it if I said I love them all. This new lazy egg fella is one of the greatest characters ever. That's what I love about Kawaii, all the food humanizing (is that the right terminology lol I mean the food with faces haha) stuff is so up my alley. I've a weakness for tiny food jewelry as well. Who knew I would need four thousand squishees or macaroon everything? Or a Hello Kitty plushie that transforms into a turkey? 

Monday 16 May 2011

To Die By Your Side Well The Pleasure Privelege Is Mine.

The town I didn't so much grow up in but was formed in has burnt down and ironically its those memories I've repressed. God I'm crying for memories I don't have and that's what is breaking my heart.
There is a light and it never goes out. My family has lost their homes the house where my Grandma had a business and I had a brother is gone. I'm gonna keep singing The Smiths till I feel better.

Asking The Oldest Trick In The Book: Like A Virgin

Asking The Oldest Trick In The Book: Like A Virgin: "This is it. Official. If only I had tiny leaves...So being as I'm a people person and co dependent it should be apparent I like to please. S..."

Saturday 14 May 2011

Like A Virgin

This is it. Official. If only I had tiny leaves...So being as I'm a people person and co dependent it should be apparent I like to please. So what might you, the reader, like to read about?